People with disabilities are allowed to get pissed off

At the beginning of the month, I had my article published about a police officer harassing me about my handicap placard. I had so many comments some good and a lot of hate. I had a couple in particular that got to me. They said something like, you need to write about the good and you are so full of spite and anger you need to spread positivity. Here’s the thing I think it’s great to be positive but spreading positivity doesn’t start change. Being your inspiration porn is not my goal.


You never know what is going on with someone. Everyone has a story to tell. There are so many of us that have invisible illnesses that can be both mental and physical.

Trying to make/keep appointments during Coronavirus pandemic.

I’ve been trying to see a specialist Obgyn for many months. But I’ve been having issues with the referral. I called last week and was informed they still needed a certain part of my referral. When I called the next day to clear more issues up they informed me that all appointments were filled andContinue reading “Trying to make/keep appointments during Coronavirus pandemic.”


I’m just going to say it, We can be a selfish race. We cry and complain about not being able to go to the vacations, concerts, and parties we had planned. We think about ourselves. We are upset about our own plans and are restless inside our homes. So instead of listening to CDC andContinue reading “#WeAreTheVulnerable”

Why Covid-19 is a Nightmare for someone with Dermatillomania

Washing your hands and keeping your hands away from your face are the first things you hear from the CDC when Covid-19 broke out. Simple tasks that should be an easy thing to follow for the everyday person. But for someone like myself with dermatillomania the task is far from simple. Dermatillomania is related toContinue reading “Why Covid-19 is a Nightmare for someone with Dermatillomania”

Not being able to do as much as others does not make you less than

Having mental or chronic illness sucks. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves not to compare and that not being able to do as much as others does not make you less than.The most important this to remember is to take care of yourself. Your health is more important then proving a point to others orContinue reading “Not being able to do as much as others does not make you less than”

The Mightiest

I got my “The Mighty” sweater about a week ago. I’m so excited and honored to a community leader on the site. I’ve been a member of The Mighty Site for many years now and seen it grow. There are so many resources on the site to help those with mental and chronic illnesses. IContinue reading “The Mightiest”

What the 10-year photo challenge means when you are chronically ill

Here it is, the newest photo challenge to ring in the new decade. While most are comparing their younger selves to how they look now, maybe even celebrating body transformations, the 10-year photo challenge means an entirely different thing to someone who has chronic illness.

Invisible Illness – What is hidden underneath

When you have an invisible disability it’s hard for anyone to truly get what is going on. If you look normal, you must therefore be normal and feel normal.

Life on Pause, Moving On

Are you ever afraid of moving forward in your life? Living with chronic illnesses or being born with a congenital defect can weigh on your life it many ways. It can make you pause your life for your health for many years if not forever.